Tuesday, April 22, 2014

rediscover the love of movement


"Published on Apr 9, 2014
A Philosophically Different Approach To Fitness.

The tide is steadily turning away from traditional exercise towards a more holistic and fundamental approach to health and well-being. You may have heard this style of physical conditioning referred to as 'functional training' or 'natural movement conditioning'.

What's the difference you ask? Well, I suppose it's as much a philosophical difference as it is a physiological one. One could say that the main difference, is that natural movement has an undeniable element of play, combined with an enhanced capacity to increasingly layer more challenging skill elements. While any training can be hard work and challenging, think of the difference in physical skills required for body building compared to that of gymnastics or martial arts. The first is very hard work, while the other two require hard work AND a lot of skill.

Many people perceive exercise as a boring, exhausting and mostly uninteresting endeavor. I, for the most part, couldn't agree more! Movement however, can encompass almost all forms of play and allows creative expression and diversity. This allows for mental stimulation by way of cognitive development as well as physical adaptation.

Our philosophy at The Energy Clinic is simple. Allow yourself to be freed from the confines of exercise and rediscover your love of movement.

Thanks to Mackbelfilms.com, you guys are AMAZING."

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