Thursday, April 3, 2014

what's on your plate? you!

What to do with a single plate besides throwing it on the floor?

Some of the single plate movements in the video clip below are:

1. Overhead straight arm side bends
2. Overhead straight arm, circling motion from the waist (neutral spine = no flexion or extension)
3. Wood choppers (neutral posture)
4. Moving the plate and torso in opposite directions on the frontal plane
5. Same as #2, add lunge with plate overhead
6. Same as #2, followed by bent arm circling motion from the shoulders. Bent arms kept at a right angle and rotating from vertical to horizontal positions
7. Rolling
8. Dragon flag

Prevent injuries with knowledge of fundamental body mechanics, in particular for the shoulder complex and the spine. Learn the movements with a light weight plate and move slowly for greater control.

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