Thursday, October 24, 2013

cleansing the intestines with the stomach vacuum and nauli

To do the stomach vacuum, keep your vacuum cleaner in the closet. The stomach vacuum, also known as the abdominal lift, hollows and lifts the stomach by primarily engaging the TVA (transverse abdominis). The TVA is a stabilization and exhalation muscle. It acts as a girdle for the abdominal region, protecting organs and supporting posture.

Stomach vacuums strengthen the TVA to increase spinal support. This movement is performed with the idea of time under tension. Repetitions don't matter. I do these sustaining a long and slow exhalation, rather than holding the breath.

The 'flicks' are performed with quick breaths and are more fun to do than the stomach vacuums.

To be able to do nauli requires a strong TVA and low body fat.

For these three movements, feel also the lifting of the other deep exhalation muscle: the diaphragm and the pelvic floor. Yogis claim these movements aid in cleansing the intestines.

We document and share a catalog of movements. This blog and the videos are for entertainment and educational purposes only. Please seek guidance from a qualified instructor to be sure you move with proper biomechanics and safety. 

Nauli by Yogi Nora

photo of vacuum by Adrain Pingstone, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

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