Thursday, October 24, 2013

make music with movement

Music is created by combinations of musical notes. In body movement, one movement follows another, just like musical notes. Indeed, movement flow is the music of the body.

One way to learn how to flow in movement is by combining a base position with other positions. For example, take the base position of the 90/90, also known as the shin box. From the 90/90, we can move into many other positions, as demonstrated in Dewey Nielsen's hip mobility sequence in the below video.

1) Reaching: thigh, shin, behind

2) Hip Switching: 90/90 rockover

3) Hip Switching: 90/90 wheel

4) Hip Switching: 90/90 to prone

5) Stepping: 90/90 rockover to hip up

6) Stepping: 90/90 rockover to hip up to step

7) Stepping: 90/90 post to step

8) Traveling: 'A' (click here for a tutorial on the pigeon walk)

9) Traveling: 'B'

And there are many more possibilities....

THE 90/90 by Dewey Nielsen

drawing courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

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