Wednesday, October 2, 2013

say ole! do role

Start with simplicity...Ole! is a simple Spanish word to pronounce, and the Role, which rhymes with ole, is a simple movement for a healthy body.

In the Role the leg and its corresponding hip roll to the side, semicircling across the front. The body is kept low to the ground. Role can be used to gather momentum into Au (cartwheel), Queda de Rins (which literally means "fall on your kidneys), Ponte (bridge), Cocorinha (flat-footed, low squat), and other movements including yoga's Prasarita Padottanasana (wide-legged forward bend). 

In the below series is a beautiful demonstration of Role into a progression toward Regretting Au. 

We document and share a catalog of movements. This blog and the videos are for entertainment purposes only. Please seek guidance from a certified instructor to be sure you move with proper biomechanics and safety.

Role by Ido Portal

Role into half Au by Ido Portal

Role into Au

Role into Regretting Au

photo by Timothy Sanford, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

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