Friday, October 25, 2013

multivitamin and minerals in movement

"Movement practice that has been stripped down and emptied, one that poses little demand on systematic coordination, intelligence, skill acquisition, and ability is...JUNK MOVEMENT."
-- Ido Portal

We need a constant stream of motivation to do boring "junk movement," one motivational gimmick after another. On the other hand, with "movement nutrition," a phrase coined by Ido Portal to mean movement complexity such as gymnastic skills, you can throw all this motivation garbage out the window. You don't need it. Instead, you have commitment to an interesting and enjoyable practice. You commit to moving better and developing new movement skills (two pillars of the Ido Portal Method), and this makes you feel very alive.

From Ido Portal's videos, we get a glimpse of his commitment to preparation for more complex movement, such as for low bridge rotations. In addition to doing basic bridge push-ups, one arm bridge push-ups (difficult), we see him doing scapula mobilization and shoulder ROM (range of motion) routines, among other things.

We document and share a catalog of movements. This blog and the videos are for entertainment and educational purposes only. Please seek guidance from a qualified instructor to be sure you move with proper biomechanics and safety. 

drawing above located in the National Archives, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

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