Sunday, October 27, 2013

so how does it end?

"Move-orexia" is a word I made up to mean an excessive obsession with movement or exercise. This is inspired by Doctor Stephen Bratman's "orthorexia," which means an extreme preoccupation with only eating "pure" food. Being fanatical about anything takes the fun out of life.

Keep moving. Keeping learning. Keep smiling. Keep having fun.

This post marks the end of the blog. For more information, go to our play bodies Facebook page, where we share more articles and ideas. Thanks for reading.

We document and share a catalog of movements. This blog and the videos are for entertainment and educational purposes only. Please seek guidance from a qualified instructor to be sure you move with proper biomechanics and safety. 

Kettlebell Juggling Lesson by Ryan Raw

 photo: Casse-croute sur un chantier à Paris dans les années 1930, source:, 
courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

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