Monday, September 23, 2013

30 bananas a day?

Do you eat 30 bananas a day? Some people actually do. Why would someone eat so much of this hybrid fruit? Ideally, we should eat from a wide variety of sources of natural and nutritional food, especially those found in the wild.

Variety is not only the answer to eating, it is also the answer to moving. However, the majority of us limit locomotion to a linear fashion (biking, running, walking).

Ido Portal, a widely respected natural mover, wrote, "In a linear culture where everything around you is comprised of straight lines and angles, it is only natural we drifted in this direction in our movement and physical culture. I like the efficiency of linear work, but without organic movement, it loses its meaning. This is what we train for."

In the below video, he demonstrates.

We document and share a catalog of movements. This blog and the videos are for entertainment purposes only. Please seek guidance from a certified instructor to be sure you move with proper biomechanics and safety.

Locomotion Research by Ido Portal

photo of bananas by Keith Pomakis, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

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