Monday, September 23, 2013

be the pendulum

Few things have remarkably changed the life of mankind like the invention of the pendulum to mark time -- that is, the clock. Before the clock, the rhythm of life moved about according to the rhythm of nature. There was a season to plant, a season to harvest, and so on. But with the introduction of the clock, life became regimented into small spaces of time, such that it would take about 8 units, called seconds, to complete a deep breath.

Our lives in the modern world are governed by the clock, now in digital form. It is not a stretch to say we are slaves to it, measuring productivity by the minute.

To come back to play, we must put away the clock. Return to experience life in its natural rhythm.

Here in this video of body movement, we are the pendulum.

We document and share a catalog of movements. This blog and the videos are for entertainment purposes only. Please seek guidance from a certified instructor to be sure you move with proper biomechanics and safety.

Video by

Above photo of grandfather clock courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

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